Would we need to install any special software? We log into our client's software. As long as it's cloud-based, there shouldn't be any installation needed. Otherwise, we use LogMeIn or TeamViewer to gain access.
Do you file vision insurance through the payer's website? Yes, that's the easiest way to get quick payment!
What is your turn around time on filing claims/posting checks? We like to give a "buffer" of 48 hours before we submit claims. For example, on Wednesday, we will submit claims for Monday. This gives the doctor(s) a chance to add additional services and do research, if needed. Payments are normally posted to patient accounts within 48 hours.
How do you take care of getting superbills/EOBs from us? We would prefer everything be scanned and either faxed or added to a mutual Google file. Via Google, it would be secure and accessible to both of us. Otherwise, if we have access to a computer in your office, they can be uploaded to a file on the desktop for us to access.
Do you require a contract? If so, what is the length of the contract? Our contract term is for 12 months with a 60-day written termination notice.
Do you charge extra for older accounts? No, it's the same price whether the account is 30 days or 180 days old.
How do our patients contact you? We have a dedicated phone number for patient inquiries. Patients can also reach us via email.
Can you mail patient statements? Yes, we can mail patient statements for you. We can either use blank window envelopes with a stamp for your return address, or you can ship us envelopes to use. You are only charged actual postage for mailings.